Photo Credit: Tonglen Lake Lodge

Immerse yourself in the tranquility of nature by staying in a private cabin just outside the boundary of Denali National Park—the perfect blend of comfort and convenience. Whether you prefer a cozy cabin with a small kitchenette to prepare your own meals or a detached hotel room, you’ll find a wide range of options to suit your preferences. These properties also serve up amenities to enjoy, like a restaurant, lounge, and gift shop.

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Cabin & Vacation Rentals


The fam­i­ly-run Denali Griz­zly Bear Resort offers a vari­ety of accom­mo­da­tions, great ameni­ties, and amaz­ing views of moun­tains and the Nenana Riv­er. And its loca­tion, six miles south of the Denali Nation­al Park Vis­i­tors Cen­ter but out­side the main tourist area, means you’ll have easy park access with­out feel­ing crowd­ed. Choose from their hotel rooms, pri­vate cab­ins, or campground.

Season: Jun 1 - Sep 8 $985+ per night, meals all-inclusive

An exclu­sive lake­side oasis with hide­away cab­ins acces­si­ble by car and only 7 miles south of Denali Nation­al Park entrance. In addi­tion to lux­u­ri­ous accom­mo­da­tions, you can enjoy the art gallery, arti­san bak­ery, and spa­cious lawn with a camp­fire cir­cle and a love­ly view of the Alas­ka Range.

Season: May 19 - Sept 18 Visit website for rates 1+ nights

Instead of stay­ing right near the Park entrance, sur­round­ed more by peo­ple and tour bus­es than wilder­ness, or deep in the park, where a stay calls for a greater com­mit­ment than many trav­el­ers can do, Denali Cab­ins offers an alter­na­tive. This col­lec­tion of 46 cab­ins set in the woods — at mile 229 on the Parks High­way, and eight miles from the Park Entrance — offers the best of both options, and with plen­ty of com­fort and convenience. 

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