Where To Stay In Delta Junction

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Delta Junction

Adventure Lodges View All

Season: Year Round $350+

Just 2.5 Hours from Fair­banks on the Richard­son High­way, The Lodge at Black Rapids is an undis­cov­ered gem.The peaks of the Alas­ka Range, trout-filled lakes, swift rivers, and alpine tun­dra sur­round the lodge, which is named for the Black Rapids glac­i­er. The own­ers built the Lodge over near­ly 10 years, design­ing it to fit into the land­scape. There are six rooms in addi­tion to the bunkhouse, with queen beds and pri­vate baths. Large windows  ...more

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RV Parks & Campgrounds View All

Great camp­ground and fish­ing area just north of Delta Junc­tion. The loop camp­ing area holds 16 sites, and there are anoth­er 87 park­ing / camp­ing sites in the lot. Boaters will enjoy easy access to two boat launch­es. There are also pic­nic tables and a pavil­ion. Near the water, there’s a hand­i­cap acces­si­ble fish­ing dock, a swim­ming area, and a beach vol­ley­ball court.

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