Delta Junction Shopping

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Plants, organ­ic flours, hand­made prod­ucts (like pot­tery, bead­work, knit­ted goods, art­work, lip balms and salves), and his­tor­i­cal books about the area. Food stands, mean­while, brim with mar­ket favorites like soft pret­zels, hot dogs and fries.

You’ll find hand­made wood­en sou­venirs, carved-wood stat­ues, clocks, bowls, and oth­er creations.

All-nat­ur­al meats, all raised with­out antibi­otics or hor­mones and fed an all veg­e­tar­i­an diet. The selec­tion includes beef, pork, buf­fa­lo, elk, rein­deer and even yak.

This fun gift shop offers an array of local prod­ucts — such as goat’s milk soap, can­vas prints, cal­en­dars fea­tur­ing local pho­tog­ra­phers, Alas­ka Flour Com­pa­ny prod­ucts, and more.

Go-to sport­ing and out­door goods store — a good place to pick up items such as out­door gear, bug spray or fish­ing equipment.

Fam­i­ly-owned oper­a­tion focus­es on two main prod­uct lines: 100% whole-grain, stone-ground bar­ley flour, and a cream-of-bar­ley break­fast cere­al. Both are avail­able through­out Alas­ka and online.

Alas­ka-made goods with a large selec­tion of Russ­ian prod­ucts make this a unique shop­ping stop.

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