Delta Junction Hotels & Lodges

Delta Junction is the perfect rest stop for those traveling between Alaska and Canada. At the Visitor Center, you’ll see the famous “End of the Alaska Highway” monument. Lodging ranges from rustic but luxurious roadside lodge to a hotel complete with a bar and restaurant on site.

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Hotels & Lodges

Season: Year Round $350+

Just 2.5 Hours from Fair­banks on the Richard­son High­way, The Lodge at Black Rapids is an undis­cov­ered gem.The peaks of the Alas­ka Range, trout-filled lakes, swift rivers, and alpine tun­dra sur­round the lodge, which is named for the Black Rapids glac­i­er. The own­ers built the Lodge over near­ly 10 years, design­ing it to fit into the land­scape. There are six rooms in addi­tion to the bunkhouse, with queen beds and pri­vate baths. Large windows  ...more

Set at the end of the Alas­ka High­way in Delta Junc­tion, the Tro­phy Lodge is the per­fect place to stay if you’re dri­ving between Alas­ka and Cana­da. Since it’s the only place in town that’s a hotel, restau­rant, and bar all in one, Tro­phy Lodge is ide­al for relax­ing after a long day on the road, offer­ing val­ue and com­fort in addi­tion to convenience.

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