Delta Junction Day Tours & Attractions

Discover Delta Junction through a range of day tours and attractions. Stop by the Visitor Center and take your photo next to the “End of the Alaska Highway” monument, indulge in summer festivals and farmers markets, and hike mountain and glacier trails. Better yet, see it from above on a flightseeing tour.

Museums & Cultural Centers View All

The Sul­li­van Road­house His­tor­i­cal Muse­um is housed in the old­est road­house in the inte­ri­or of Alas­ka and is locat­ed in the heart of Delta Junc­tion at the End of the Alas­ka High­way. Built in 1905 by John and Flo­rence Sul­li­van, the log lodge now hous­es a muse­um that focus­es on the Valdez-Fair­banks Trail and the road­hous­es that oper­at­ed along its route. Beau­ti­ful­ly recre­at­ed rooms, as well as inter­pre­tive exhibits give our vis­i­tors a real feel…  ...more

Tour of an Alaskan home­stead. Includes a tour of the home­stead log house, green house and gar­dens, vis­it­ing an authen­tic Alas­ka freight dog team, hav­ing a look around the barns, cor­rals and out build­ings, view­ing live­stock and an authen­tic oper­at­ing sawmill that fur­nish­es all the lum­ber used on the home­stead. Also view a large selec­tion of his­tor­i­cal farm­ing and min­ing equip­ment. Hours Call for hours Admis­sion Donations  ...more

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Visitor Information Centers View All

You’ll find friend­ly, local staff who are ready to answer ques­tions and help you with your trip, and it’s open year round. In a hur­ry? At least stop in to pick up a free trav­el guide or brochure.

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Fairs & Festivals View All

Plants, organ­ic flours, hand­made prod­ucts (like pot­tery, bead­work, knit­ted goods, art­work, lip balms and salves), and his­tor­i­cal books about the area. Food stands, mean­while, brim with mar­ket favorites like soft pret­zels, hot dogs and fries.

This annu­al fair has been tak­ing place for more than 30 years, and there’s lots to do, includ­ing a parade, games, a horse show, and of course a music fes­ti­val. It promis­es fun for the whole family.

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Points of Interest View All

Plants, organ­ic flours, hand­made prod­ucts (like pot­tery, bead­work, knit­ted goods, art­work, lip balms and salves), and his­tor­i­cal books about the area. Food stands, mean­while, brim with mar­ket favorites like soft pret­zels, hot dogs and fries.

Elbridge Tru­man Bar­nett came to Alas­ka in the late 1890s like so many oth­ers did —look­ing for the gold dur­ing the Klondike Gold Rush.

On the high­way across Alas­ka, it makes sense to have a dri­ve in. Open in the sum­mer, they serve burg­ers, fries and ice cream with a car hop tak­ing your order. Or if you want to stretch your legs, there’s a deck and lawn to lounge on while you eat. It’s pret­ty ordi­nary non-chain, fast food with good malts and a good old-timey feel.

You’ll find friend­ly, local staff who are ready to answer ques­tions and help you with your trip, and it’s open year round. In a hur­ry? At least stop in to pick up a free trav­el guide or brochure.

There are 9 inter­net sta­tions avail­able for you to use. If you have your own device, wifi is avail­able from 6 a.m. to 10 p.m.

The trail you see takes you back Cast­ner Glac­i­er. Just be on alert: this trail is also fre­quent­ed by ATVs and motorbikes.

You’ll see some rocky out­crop­pings that are com­mon spots to see Dall Sheep, up on the rocks.

This fun gift shop offers an array of local prod­ucts — such as goat’s milk soap, can­vas prints, cal­en­dars fea­tur­ing local pho­tog­ra­phers, Alas­ka Flour Com­pa­ny prod­ucts, and more.

This ranch is owned and oper­at­ed by two life­long Alas­ka res­i­dents whom open their land to hunts each year.

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Winter Activities View All

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Historic Park or Site View All

The Sul­li­van Road­house His­tor­i­cal Muse­um is housed in the old­est road­house in the inte­ri­or of Alas­ka and is locat­ed in the heart of Delta Junc­tion at the End of the Alas­ka High­way. Built in 1905 by John and Flo­rence Sul­li­van, the log lodge now hous­es a muse­um that focus­es on the Valdez-Fair­banks Trail and the road­hous­es that oper­at­ed along its route. Beau­ti­ful­ly recre­at­ed rooms, as well as inter­pre­tive exhibits give our vis­i­tors a real feel…  ...more

Home of the Delta His­tor­i­cal Soci­ety Muse­um, Rika’s Road­house at Big Delta State His­tor­i­cal Park is in a ten-acre state park on the shores of the Tanana Riv­er. The Valdez-to-Fair­banks Trail ran through here and con­tin­ued across the riv­er, aid­ed by a fer­ry. The road­house was built to accom­mo­date the trav­el­ers and is a Nation­al His­toric Site. The muse­um is a sep­a­rate build­ing behind the road­house and has dis­plays of arti­facts from the Alaskan  ...more

Tour of an Alaskan home­stead. Includes a tour of the home­stead log house, green house and gar­dens, vis­it­ing an authen­tic Alas­ka freight dog team, hav­ing a look around the barns, cor­rals and out build­ings, view­ing live­stock and an authen­tic oper­at­ing sawmill that fur­nish­es all the lum­ber used on the home­stead. Also view a large selec­tion of his­tor­i­cal farm­ing and min­ing equip­ment. Hours Call for hours Admis­sion Donations  ...more

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Parks & Trails View All

Difficulty: Easy

Begin hik­ing at Lost Lake camp­ground and fol­low the right side of Lost Lake. Con­tin­ue 1.3 miles along the spruce bog until you reach Moose Pond where you can watch for water­fowl, moose, beavers, and oth­er wildlife.

Difficulty: Easy Distance: 1 mile

This trail starts at Quartz Lake camp­ground and skirts the west­ern edge of the lake for .5 miles before climbimg the hill to Glat­felder Cab­in. It con­tin­ues around the front of the cab­in, crests the hill, then enters the Lost Lake Trail and fol­lows this back to the the Quartz Lake campground.

Difficulty: Difficult Distance: 1 mile

This trail offers a rugged climb to the top of Bert Moun­tain. It ends at a heli­copter pad con­struct­ed by for­est fire­fight­ers for use in area fire suppression.

The Gulka­na Glac­i­er Trail is a great after­noon hike, com­plete with two swing­ing draw­bridges to cross before you reach the glacier.

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Flightseeing Tours View All

Fly Over the Alaska Range
Season: Year Round 1+ hours

Expe­ri­ence the thrill of flight­see­ing in areas that most tours can’t reach. Go with Gold­en Eagle Out­fit­ters and enjoy ful­ly cus­tomized flight­see­ing tours from Kotze­bue or Delta Junc­tion — or take advan­tage of their air-taxi drop-off and pick­up ser­vice to access some of the most beau­ti­ful and remote parts of Alaska.

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