Photo Credit: Kenai Riverside Lodge

Cooper Landing Hotels & Lodges

Explore Cooper Landing’s diverse selection of hotels and lodges. Choose from rustic cabins with mountain views, luxurious wilderness lodges along the Kenai River with private porches and fireplaces, or secluded backcountry lodges nestled in the forest. All of these options provide great access to fishing and a variety of outdoor activities.

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Hotels & Lodges

Season: May - Sept $275+

Alas­ka Heav­en­ly Lodge offers the best of both worlds: all the seclu­sion and lux­u­ry nor­mal­ly asso­ci­at­ed with fly-in lodges, as well as the afford­abil­i­ty and con­ve­nience of being on the road sys­tem. You’ll find three hand-hewn log cab­ins, com­plete with a trail sys­tem and pic­turesque views of the Chugach Range and Kenai Riv­er. The loca­tion makes it easy to soak up the soli­tude of Alas­ka, as well as near­by adven­tures like fish­ing, raft­ing, and more.  ...more

Season: June 1 - Sept 30 $2400+ all-inclusive packages

Stay­ing at the remote Kenai Back­coun­try Lodge with­in the Kenai Nation­al Wildlife Refuge offers a real taste of the wilder­ness. The lodge, locat­ed on a five-acre, pri­vate in-hold­ing, began as a riv­er-accessed hunt­ing cab­in back in 1935. Years lat­er, the remod­eled and expand­ed prop­er­ty is still road-free, and guests raft into the lodge. Alas­ka Wild­land Adven­tures pride them­selves on a leave no trace’ style of eco-tourism. 

Season: May 20 - Sept 16 $1385+ all-inclusive packages 3+ days

Look­ing for an inti­mate and acces­si­ble get­away with an authen­tic Alaskan feel? Alas­ka Wild­land Adven­ture’s Kenai River­side Lodge will fit the bill, with just 16 cab­ins set on the Kenai Riv­er, sur­round­ed by 3,000-foot snow-capped moun­tains. This easy-access river­side lodge has a remote feel, but is still right on the road sys­tem. Meals are served fam­i­ly-style, cre­at­ing a more inti­mate expe­ri­ence, and allow­ing you to min­gle with fel­low guests and  ...more

Season: Mid-May – Mid-Sept $229+

This 86-room lodge not only has end­less views over a vast val­ley, but it also sits on the banks of the Kenai Riv­er, which teems with fish. With vault­ed ceil­ings made of nat­u­ral­ly fin­ished wood, cozy sit­ting areas with wood-burn­ing stoves and pri­vate porch­es, it’s easy to feel like the whole place is yours. The area is famous for its fish­ing, but you also have easy access to Kenai Fjords Nation­al Park, a wild land filled with glac­i­ers, marine  ...more

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