Cooper Landing Dining & Nightlife

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Dining and Nightlife

Enjoy fine din­ing in a relaxed atmos­phere with spec­tac­u­lar riv­er and moun­tain views at the Eagle’s Crest Restau­rant in the Kenai Princess Lodge.

This his­toric log road­house, restau­rant and bar was build in 1952 by cut­ting, haul­ing and peel­ing spruce logs in true pio­neer fash­ion. The lodge was restored to its orig­i­nal con­di­tion in 1995 and 2003, so today it looks much like it did in the 1950s. Stop in for a fan­tas­tic Alas­ka-sized meal or for infor­ma­tion about area activities.

Rafter’s, in the Kenai Princess Wilder­ness Lodge, is a laid-back bar with a deck over­look­ing the Kenai Riv­er that serves deli­cious drinks.

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