Copper Landing Cabin Rentals

Cabin & Vacation Rentals

Season: May - Sept $225+ May - September

Expe­ri­ence the tran­quil­i­ty of nature by stay­ing in one of Alas­ka Rivers Com­pa­ny’s hand-built log cab­ins in Coop­er Land­ing. Nes­tled along the turquoise waters of the Upper Kenai Riv­er, these cab­ins, accom­mo­dat­ing two to eight peo­ple, offer stun­ning views and a rich his­to­ry, with the orig­i­nal cab­in dat­ing back to the 1930s. Enjoy pri­vate firepits, BBQ grills, and a vari­ety of out­door activ­i­ties right at your doorstep. 

Season: May - Sept $275+

Alas­ka Heav­en­ly Lodge offers the best of both worlds: all the seclu­sion and lux­u­ry nor­mal­ly asso­ci­at­ed with fly-in lodges, as well as the afford­abil­i­ty and con­ve­nience of being on the road sys­tem. You’ll find three hand-hewn log cab­ins, com­plete with a trail sys­tem and pic­turesque views of the Chugach Range and Kenai Riv­er. The loca­tion makes it easy to soak up the soli­tude of Alas­ka, as well as near­by adven­tures like fish­ing, raft­ing, and more.  ...more

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