If you’re seeking an unforgettable hiking experience in the Chugach State Park but prefer not to venture on the trails alone, go with an expert guide. Guides not only lead the way but also share fascinating insights into the park’s rich history and its diverse flora and fauna.

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Guided Hiking

Season: Year Round Custom pricing, contact for rates Full Day & Multi-Day

Explore Anchorage’s best kept secrets with a local guide. Tra­verse Alaska’s pri­vate, cus­tom adven­tures are designed to take vis­i­tors off the beat­en path and away from the crowds. Adven­tures can incor­po­rate a full day of hik­ing or a com­bi­na­tion of scenic dri­ving and out­door activ­i­ties. Each trip is cus­tom designed to meet your inter­ests and desired activ­i­ty level.

Season: Year Round $109+ 2 hrs - Multi-Day

Get out there on one or more of these super-acces­si­ble trips, which range from easy nature walks to stren­u­ous alpine mul­ti-day treks. You’ll not only get a healthy dose of scenery, you’ll also exer­cise your body, mind, and soul. In win­ter, mar­vel at frozen water­falls, snow­shoe treks and even heli-snowshoeing!
