Chugach National Forest Public Use Cabins

The Chugach National Forest offers more than 40 public use cabins, making it a great spot for a rugged getaway. Reserve one up to 6 months in advance; if you want a specific cabin, reserve it early, since public use cabins are a local favorite and book up quickly—especially those with easier access. Note that some of these cabins are very remote and only reachable by an air taxi or boat.

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Public Use Cabins

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16-x-16 log cab­in in an alpine val­ley nes­tled amid steep moun­tain slopes. Sleeps 6, with table, oil stove, and out­house. Note: You must bring #1 stove oil if you want heat. One gal­lon lasts about one hour. Devil’s Creek Trail inter­sects here, a 10-mile descent to the Seward High­way trail­head. Devi’s Pass Lake is about one mile down the trail. Check Availability  ...more

This 16′ X 16′ cab­in is con­struct­ed of bee­tle-killed, milled spruce logs and has two full size bunk beds with a capac­i­ty to sleep eight peo­ple. Locat­ed in Deci­sion Point State Park, this cab­in can be reached by pri­vate boat, kayak, float­plane, or com­mer­cial water taxi.

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A two-sto­ry log cab­in with a loft sleeps eight with bunk space for sev­en. It has counter space table, bench­es and a wood stove for heat. Oth­er fea­tures include split­ting maul and hand saw, an out­house — and a row­boat with oars. Check Availability 

This 1517 trapper’s style cab­in perched on a ridge 1,800 feet above Spencer Glac­i­er offers one of the most spec­tac­u­lar views in the world. The panora­ma sweeps across a wild moun­tain-scape of sheer faces and avalanche chutes. Close to the cab­in, vis­i­tors will find alpine mead­ows with wild­flow­ers and inter­est­ing geol­o­gy, and chances to see var­i­ous wildlife.

A 12ft x 16ft rus­tic A‑frame cab­in with a loft. The cab­in is locat­ed 200 yards south of Beach Riv­er on the Gulf of Alas­ka side of Mon­tague Island.

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Cab­in is near Crow Pass in the Chugach Moun­tains, 3 miles from the Crow Pass Trail­head and is locat­ed 500 yards East of the Trail at the old cab­in site 

12 by 14 rus­tic cab­in on Res­ur­rec­tion Creek in spruce-birch for­est with moun­tain views. Sleep­ing bunks for six with space for eight. Equipped with counter space, table, bench­es, wood stove, split­ting maul and hand saw. Out­house and bear locker. 

Mile 2.3 Russ­ian Lakes Trail. This rus­tic cab­in in a flat area along the east­ern shore of Low­er Russ­ian Lake fea­tures a row­boat with oars. It sleeps eight, with bunks for six, and includes cook­ing counter, table, bench­es, wood stove, spit­ting maul and saw, and an out­house. Check Availability   ...more

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The 14x16-ft rus­tic cab­in can sleep up to six peo­ple. Access to the cab­in is by wheel plane at low tide from Cor­do­va or Seward.

Mile 11.9 Russ­ian Lakes Trail.Handsome 12×14 trapper’s style log cab­in that over­looks the lake and a stun­ning view. With bunk space for six and sleep­ing for eight. (The For­est Ser­vice rec­om­mends space for 4, so expect close quar­ters.) Check Availability  ...more

The 12x14-ft rus­tic struc­ture can sleep up to 6. Access to the cab­in is by wheel plane on the beach at low tide only, typ­i­cal­ly a 25-minute flight from Cordova.

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12-by-14 rus­tic cab­in tucked away from the trail in a scat­tered spruce for­est near the more open sub­alpine zone at 2,200 feet. Sleeps 6, with table, wood stove, split­ting maul, cross­cut saw, and outhouse. 

The cab­in offers seclu­sion and good fish­ing. A row­boat and oars pro­vid­ed at the cab­in gives anglers excel­lent oppor­tu­ni­ties to catch grayling on the small, adja­cent lake. The cab­in is acces­si­ble only by float­plane (15 min­utes from Moose Pass or 15 min­utes from Seward).

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A rus­tic log cab­in with counter space, a table, bench­es and a wood stove for heat. Sleeps eight, with bunks for six. Oth­er fea­tures include split­ting maul and saw, out­house — and a row­boat equipped with oars for explor­ing the lake. Check Availability   ...more

A 12ft x 14ft rus­tic cab­in over­look­ing the south­ern shore of Cres­cent Lake. It is a 7 mile hike via Carter Lake Trail and an 11 mile hike via Cres­cent Creek Trail. 

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Mile 8.6 Russ­ian Lakes Trail. Rus­tic cab­in with bunks for six and sleep­ing space for eight. Fish­ing for Dol­ly Var­den and rain­bow trout in the near­by Russ­ian Riv­er. Fea­tures counter space, table, bench­es, a wood stove, split­ting maul and hand­saw, and out­house. Check Availability  ...more

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On the south­west shore of Coghill Lake, on a lagoon just before the Coghill Riv­er, on the east side of Col­lege Fiord in Prince William Sound. Trail is 3 miles.

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The 12x20-ft, rus­tic cab­in has a loft and a cov­ered deck. Locat­ed 4.2 miles from Pow­er Creek Trail­head, which begins approx­i­mate­ly 6.9 miles north of Cor­do­va, Alaska.

16-by-16 rus­tic log cab­in on Fox Creek in the Res­ur­rec­tion Creek val­ley near the edge of by spruce/​birch for­est with views of near­by moun­tains. Sleeps 6, with table, wood stove, split­ting maul, cross­cut saw, and outhouse.

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Oper­at­ed by the non-prof­it Alas­ka Moun­tain and Wilder­ness Huts Asso­ci­a­tion, Man­i­to­ba Cab­in is intend­ed to pro­mote wilder­ness expe­ri­ence and cama­raderie in the spir­it of Euro­pean-style trekking huts. While very pop­u­lar among back­coun­try skiers dur­ing win­ter week­ends, the facil­i­ty often has open­ings dur­ing week­days. Dur­ing the sum­mer, you might have the entire place to yourself.

A 12ft x 14ft rus­tic cab­in at the north­west end of Cres­cent Lake in the Kenai Mountains.

Mile 29.2 Res­ur­rec­tion Pass Trail. This cab­in sits at the south end of Juneau Lake. A rus­tic cab­in with counter space, a table, bench­es and a wood stove for heat. Sleeps eight with bunks for six. Oth­er fea­tures include a split­ting maul and saw, an out­house — and a canoe with pad­dles for explor­ing the lake. Check Availability  ...more

This cab­in is sit­u­at­ed along east shore of Juneau Lake. A rus­tic cab­in with counter space, a table, bench­es and a wood stove for heat. Sleeps eight with bunks for six. Oth­er fea­tures include a split­ting maul and saw, an out­house — and a canoe with pad­dles for explor­ing the lake.

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