Utqiagvik (Barrow) Day Tours & Attractions

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Day Tours & Attractions

Arctic Tours

It’s hard to top — lit­er­al­ly — a Top of the World Tour. A day or overnight trip to Bar­row offers you the chance to go above the Arc­tic Cir­cle and see Native life up close. If you come in sum­mer, you’ll also get the ulti­mate Mid­night Sun expe­ri­ence — the sun does­n’t set from May 10 until August 2.


Fairs & Festivals

Get a real taste of native Alas­ka. This fes­ti­val — called Nalukataq — is a tra­di­tion of the Inu­pi­aq Eski­mos of north­ern Alas­ka, held after the spring whale-hunt­ing sea­son to give the locals a chance to say thanks for a suc­cess­ful hunt­ing sea­son. There are tra­di­tion­al songs and dances, includ­ing a blan­ket toss, where a dancer is tossed high in the air from a blan­ket made of seal skins. You’ll find the most events in Bar­row, though oth­er towns in the  ...more


Walking Tours

Hous­es exhibits, arti­fact col­lec­tions, library, gift shop, and a tra­di­tion­al room where peo­ple can demon­strate and teach tra­di­tion­al crafts in Elders-in-Res­i­dence and Artists-in-Res­i­dence pro­grams. As an affli­at­ed Nation­al Park, the North Slope Bor­ough owns and man­ages the Inu­pi­at Her­itage Center.
