Angoon Parks & Trails

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Parks & Trails

The Cross Admi­ral­ty Canoe Route, a 32-mile water trail between Angoon and Sey­mour Canal, links sev­en moun­tain lakes, trails and portages that allow for kayak and canoe trav­el across the island. It’s an amaz­ing adven­ture for expe­ri­enced inde­pen­dent trav­el­ers, espe­cial­ly with For­est Ser­vice cab­ins pro­vid­ing shel­ter along the way.

Dan­ger Point Trail leads from Angoon through a dense­ly-treed area north of town, toward Dan­ger Point, a per­fect spot for sum­mer whale watch­ing. The game trail can be rough, but at just 2.5 miles round-trip, it’s a fair­ly easy hike through old-growth for­est that ends with a spec­tac­u­lar view of Chatham Strait and near­by islands.

Angoon’s Ceme­tery Trail is apt­ly named. It’s a well-trav­eled local trail through the ceme­tery that links up with Dan­ger Point Trail for a short tour of the wood­ed isth­mus just north of the vil­lage of Angoon.
