Photo Credit: Alaska Native Heritage Center

Anchorage Museums & Cultural Centers

Immerse yourself in the rich cultural heritage of Anchorage by exploring its diverse museums.

From art and history to science and wildlife, Anchorage’s museums offer a captivating journey through time and the wonders of Alaska’s unique landscape.

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Museums, Cultural Centers

Season: Year Round $29 1 - 3 hrs

This Anchor­age Cul­tur­al Cen­ter offers an in-depth look at Alaskan Native life — with a big focus on Alas­ka Natives. Watch danc­ing, lis­ten to sto­ries, meet carvers, and hear from artists. The set­ting is so small and inti­mate that vis­i­tors are some­times even invit­ed to join the dancers on stage.

Season: Year Round $25

There’s no bet­ter place to get a grasp on Alaska’s his­to­ry — real­ly, its many his­to­ries— than by vis­it­ing the Anchor­age Muse­um. The state’s largest muse­um is tru­ly a world-class expe­ri­ence, offer­ing a com­pelling overview of Alas­ka his­to­ry, art, cul­ture, and science. 

What was it like for a fam­i­ly liv­ing in Anchor­age in 1915? The Oscar Ander­son House Muse­um, locat­ed in Elder­ber­ry Park at 5th Avenue and M Street, is the per­fect way to find out.

Home­stead­ers. Entre­pre­neurs. Pho­tog­ra­phers. This petite, but very well-done muse­um in mid­town Anchor­age offers engag­ing proof of how the state of Alas­ka has been shaped — and is still being shaped — by a diverse com­mu­ni­ty. It’s open 1pm — 6pm Sun­day through Thurs­day year-round (closed Fri­day and Sat­ur­day for the Jew­ish Sab­bath). It takes only 15 min­utes to see the exhibits, but you can also watch a 90-minute video about War­ren Met­zk­er, a legend  ...more

This Anchor­age library is much more than a spot for locals to check out books — it’s one of the most spec­tac­u­lar build­ings in Anchor­age and a true des­ti­na­tion for vis­i­tors. With a large sec­tion of Alaskana, gor­geous art­work, and numer­ous events, it’s a great place for trav­el­ers to get a bet­ter sense of the state. Free wi-fi, pub­lic com­put­ers, and lap­tops for rent offer are oth­er resources you can find here.
