Photo Credit: Hilton Anchorage

The Best Hotels in Anchorage, Alaska

How to Choose Your Anchorage Hotel  (2:10)

What Matters When Choosing an Anchorage Hotel?

Distance from Airport

Anchorage isn’t very big. All of the hotels in Anchorage are easy to get to from the airport. Downtown hotels are 10-15 minutes from the airport. Midtown hotels in the Spenard neighborhood are just 5 minutes away; those in the University area will take 15 minutes to reach.

If you’re not renting a car, you have a couple of options. Cabs charge from $15-$22 one-way.

Airport shuttles from hotels are free. The following hotels offer shuttle service to and from the airport:

Midtown: Embassy Suites by Hilton Anchorage, The Lakefront Anchorage


If you love to step out of your hotel and walk to a variety of local restaurants, shops, or nearby trails, pick a hotel in downtown. Other areas are more suburban. While Midtown hotels do have restaurants within walking distance of hotels, the choice is more limited.


Midtown hotels have large parking lots with free parking and plenty of room. The Hotel Captain Cook, Hilton, and Marriott offer parking parking for a fee (about $25 - $30/day).

Fitness Center

Most hotels in Anchorage have a fitness center, but they’re not all equal. Arguably, the Hotel Captain Cook in downtown Anchorage has the nicest fitness center. The Hotel Alyeska also has a great fitness center, offering a saltwater pool and hot tub with views of the mountains.


All of the hotels we recommend offer a clean and comfortable stay in Anchorage. If you’re looking for a luxury hotel, stay at the Marriott Downtown, Embassy Suites by Hilton Anchorage, Hotel Captain Cook, or Hotel Alyeska.

We'll help you pick your hotel based on distance from airport, walkability, parking & other features.

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Downtown Anchorage Hotels

15-20 mins from Anchorage airport. Walking distance to shopping, dining, nightlife
Season: Year Round Summer $480+ | Winter $200+

Anchor­age’s lux­u­ri­ous grande dame hotel is con­sid­ered by some to be the finest hotel in Alas­ka. The 20-sto­ry, 546-room hotel offers amaz­ing views of the Chugach Moun­tains and even Denali. You’ll also find first-class restau­rants and great amenities.

Season: Year Round Summer $479+ | Winter $215+

Anchor­age’s tallest hotel is the best place to appre­ci­ate the gor­geous views of city and moun­tains – you may even see Denali on a clear day. You’ll also be with­in walk­ing dis­tance of the train depot and coastal trail, as well as the city’s ter­rif­ic shops and restaurants. 

Season: Year Round Summer $599+ | Winter $279

This upscale Mar­riott comes with some great views of moun­tains, inlet, and city sky­line. Take it in, or get up close by walk­ing the near­by Tony Knowles Coastal Trail or Delaney Park strip. You’ll also be with­in walk­ing dis­tance of Anchor­age’s restau­rants and shops.


Midtown & Airport Anchorage Hotels

5-10 mins from Anchorage airport. Helps to have a car, but many hotels have shuttles
Season: Year Round Call for rates

One- and two-bed­room suites (that can sleep up to 7 peo­ple) make this cen­tral­ly locat­ed hotel a great choice for fam­i­lies. Plus, you’ll find made-to-order break­fasts, along with the option of tak­ing them to go, if you have ear­ly morn­ing activ­i­ties. Book a moun­tain view room for a breath­tak­ing view of the sur­round­ing Chugach Mountains. 

Season: Year Round $131+

This hotel fea­tures the ambi­ence of a remote hunt­ing lodge. Plus, you’ll be locat­ed right on Lake Hood, the busiest float­plane base in the world, with plen­ty of oppor­tu­ni­ty to watch the bus­tle of planes.


Girdwood Hotels & Lodges View All

Season: Year Round Summer $549+ | Winter $299+

This lux­u­ry resort, 40 miles from Anchor­age in the town of Gird­wood, is sur­round­ed by sev­en glac­i­ers. The spec­tac­u­lar scenery is pop­u­lar in sum­mer as well as win­ter, when you’ll find a full-on ski resort. It’s a roman­tic option that’s equal­ly great for families.
