Anchorage Golf Courses

Despite its cold-weather reputation, Anchorage boasts challenging golf courses with friendly staff, delicious food, and top-notch golf carts.

Thanks to summer’s endless daylight, courses offer tee times as early as 5:30 a.m., with some going as late as 8 p.m. (with the stipulation that carts must be returned by sunset…which in June can be close to 11:30 p.m.!). Play a round of golf in the morning, and you’ll still have time for an additional adventure in the afternoon, or save your duffing for an evening under the midnight sun.

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Golf Courses

It’s a golfer­’s dream: Hit­ting a straight tee shot down a lush green fair­way, with snow-capped peaks climb­ing high around you. This pub­lic course makes it come true, com­bin­ing stun­ning scenery with chal­leng­ing golf. As you play, you’ll take in views of the Chugach Moun­tains, Mt. McKin­ley, Cook Inlet, and the Anchor­age sky­line. But don’t get too dis­tract­ed: the 6,600-yard course, designed by renowned archi­tect Bill New­comb, includes blind tee…  ...more
