Photo Credit: Alaska Bus Company

Anchorage Motorcoach & Bus

Transportation by motorcoach or bus is a hassle-free option during the summer months that allows you to relax and get the most out of your trip to Alaska. In Anchorage, you’ll find a variety of buses that can take you to must-see hot spots like Kenai Fjords and Denali National Parks, as well as more remote destinations like Glennallen, Delta Junction, and Tok. There’s even a trolley that can pick you up from your hotel and take you downtown.

If you prefer a personalized experience, you can hire a professional driver to shuttle you and your small group around in an SUV.

Motorcoach & Bus

Season: Year Round Call for quote

Hire a pro­fes­sion­al dri­ver to take up to 4 pas­sen­gers (plus lug­gage) any­where with­in the Talkeetna/​Seward/​Soldotna/​Kenai cor­ri­dor — basi­cal­ly, any­where with­in a 2.5- to 3‑hour radius of Anchor­age. Use for day trips (they’ll wait while you do your tour), trans­fers to your cruise ship, a pri­vate dri­ver for your whole vaca­tion, and more. 

Season: April - October $1025 for up to 5 people

See Alaska’s unique and authen­tic side by hir­ing a guide for a day and cre­at­ing a cus­tom, pri­vate adven­ture for your­self and up to 7 oth­ers. Tours depart from Anchor­age or Gird­wood. Excur­sions include Matanus­ka glac­i­er hikes, ATV tours, gold pan­ning, north­ern lights view­ing, snow­mo­bil­ing, and more.

Season: May 15 - August 31 | Operating Daily $59 - $119 per person

What’s an afford­able, com­fort­able, and reli­able way to get around the Kenai Penin­su­la? Just hop aboard one of Alas­ka Bus Company’s 27-pas­sen­ger shut­tle bus­es! This sum­mer­time-only ser­vice runs 7 days a week. The 5‑hour route runs in both direc­tions between the Anchor­age air­port and the charm­ing town of Homer, stop­ping in Gird­wood, Coop­er Land­ing, and Soldotna.

Season: May 1 - Sept 22 $49.50+ 3.25 - 5 hrs

They say miss­ing Tur­na­gain Arm is miss­ing Alas­ka itself. Join a 100% Native Alaskan-owned team to explore this breath­tak­ing coastal region. From quick get­aways to immer­sive adven­tures, expe­ri­ence Portage Glac­i­er, spot wildlife at the Con­ser­va­tion Cen­ter, walk through lush rain­forests, and trav­el along the stun­ning Seward Highway. 

Season: May - September $75 - $180

The only same-day ser­vice between Seward and Denali Nation­al Park! Enjoy the ride aboard a deluxe motor­coach with com­fort­able seats, pic­ture win­dows, in-seat pow­er out­lets, and an onboard restroom. Offer­ing reg­u­lar sched­uled sum­mer ser­vice con­nect­ing Seward, Whit­ti­er, Anchor­age, Tal­keet­na, and Denali, plus spe­cial cruise con­nec­tions on ship days.

Season: Year Round | Monday, Wednesday, Friday $30+

This is your chance to trav­el like the locals! Many Alaskans ride this bus line that motors between Anchor­age and Tok, and Fair­banks and Tok, mak­ing stops along the way in off-the-beat­en-path des­ti­na­tions. Every Mon­day, Wednes­day, and Fri­day, you can board a van or a 20-pas­sen­ger bus to trav­el Inte­ri­or Alas­ka Bus Lines’ route.

Season: Year Round $2+

Get around Anchor­age like the locals — take Peo­ple Mover! These clean, reli­able bus­es are an easy and inex­pen­sive way to get to and from the air­port or around town to see the hot spots.

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