Anchorage Bars & Pubs

After a long day of outdoor adventure, there’s no better way to relax than by heading to one of Anchorage’s outstanding assortment of bars and pubs. You can sip on local craft beers, sample handcrafted cocktails infused with local flavors, share a flight of wine with friends, and delight your taste buds with Alaska’s finest spirits. Whether you’re a connoisseur or an adventurous explorer, Anchorage’s bars and pubs offer options that will please any palate.

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Bars & Pubs

Hand­made pas­tas and deli­cious piz­zas are just the begin­ning of Flattop’s unique menu, which is full of inven­tive options. Set in the heart of Down­town Anchor­age, the restau­rant brings togeth­er high-end cui­sine and an exten­sive wine list and serves it in a casu­al, fam­i­ly-friend­ly atmosphere.

This bar was found­ed in 1994 by a few locals who felt that Anchor­age need­ed a real­ly good bar for craft beers. Clear­ly, they were right — both locals and tourists made this place a near-instant institution.

Craft beer, local­ly sourced food, and a ter­rif­ic loca­tion in the heart of down­town Anchor­age all add up to a can’t‑miss expe­ri­ence. Dine inside the two-sto­ry restau­rant, or step upstairs to the rooftop deck for mag­nif­i­cent views of the Alas­ka Range and Cook Inlet.

Humpy’s at the air­port has a selec­tion of 20 beers on tap with most brewed in Fair­banks, Anchor­age, Juneau and the Kenai. In addi­tion to the beers, they serve good pub food: nachos, hum­mus plates, burg­ers, soups and sal­ads. And of course, they have Alas­ka seafood: hal­ibut, salmon and fish tacos.

At this hip, invit­ing wine bistro, you can choose from 40 wines by the glass with your lunch or din­ner. Sit and enjoy a glass, or share a bot­tle among friends. 

Dine on deli­cious Japan­ese cui­sine pre­pared in the tra­di­tion­al tep­pa­nya­ki style at Beni­hana Anchor­age. Enjoy the com­pa­ny of friends, fam­i­ly, and cowork­ers around com­mu­nal hibachi grill tables and watch the chefs per­form their daz­zling skills as they slice, dice, and cook up excep­tion­al tep­pa­nya­ki cuisine. 

Tent City Tap­house is an authen­tic Alaskan gas­trop­ub locat­ed in the heart of Anchor­age. Dis­cov­er deli­cious, local­ly sourced cui­sine and a wide vari­ety of Alaskan beers on tap. Expe­ri­ence the unique blend of Alaskan his­to­ry and mod­ern décor while enjoy­ing a meal with friends and fam­i­ly. Don’t miss out on the chance to learn about Anchor­age’s Tent City his­to­ry and enjoy brunch with a flight of mimosas in four flavors. 
