Photo Credit: Alaska ATV Adventures

Anchorage Jeep & ATV Tours

With an ATV, you can discover off-the-beaten-path trails, remote areas, and hidden gems that may not be easily accessible with any other vehicle. Fortunately, you’ll find several tour options near Anchorage.

From Girdwood, about 40 miles southeast of Anchorage, you’ll explore the stunning Chugach Mountains. From Willow, roughly 70 miles north of Anchorage, you’ll cruise high into the Talkeetna Mountains. From Wasilla and Palmer, you’ll follow trails through the Matanuska-Susitna Valley and even ride right up to a glacier. These tours offer an up-close opportunity to take in Alaska’s natural beauty, from majestic mountains to pristine valleys and iconic wildlife.

ATV tours are led by experienced guides who are familiar with the local terrain and wildlife. They provide informative commentary, share interesting facts about the area’s history and ecology, and ensure a safe and enjoyable adventure. Choose between group and private tours; the latter offer the flexibility to customize your itinerary. Tour durations range from a few hours to full-day experiences.

Palmer / Wasilla Jeep & ATV Tours View All

ATV in the Matanuska and Knik Glacier Valleys, just a 50-minute drive from Anchorage

Season: May 1 - Sep 30 $149+ 1.5 Hrs & Full Day (6-8 hrs)

Head out into the Alaskan wilder­ness on this excit­ing ATV adven­ture, dri­ving through woods and splash­ing through rivers on your way to a gor­geous glacial moraine sur­round­ed by tow­er­ing snow-capped peaks. Trans­porta­tion from Anchor­age included.

Season: April 1 - Sep 30 $299+ drive | $179+ passenger Half Day, Full Day and Multi Day/Custom Trips

With Alas­ka Back­coun­try Adven­ture Tours, you can expe­ri­ence glac­i­ers inac­ces­si­ble by road. Nev­er fear if you’ve nev­er dri­ven an before; this com­pa­ny teach­es you to maneu­ver your ATV through the Alaskan wilder­ness with your guide at the lead. Your des­ti­na­tion is the mag­nif­i­cent Knik Glac­i­er, where you’ll enjoy lunch and gor­geous scenery.

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Girdwood Jeep & ATV Tours View All

Explore Alaska’s rainforest • Views of Turnagain Arm • Be driver or passenger

Season: May 15 - Sep 30 $250+ 3 hrs

There’s great Alaskan back­coun­try ATV rid­ing just a few miles south of Anchor­age. Engage in the sights, sounds, and smells of the north­ern­most tem­per­ate rain­for­est while expe­ri­enc­ing the thrill of the throt­tle through the wind­ing wood­ed trails of the Chugach Moun­tain Range. In the alpine mead­ows of this wilder­ness area, there are fre­quent sight­ings of both brown and black bears, moun­tain goats, and Dall sheep.

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Willow ATV & Jeep Tours View All

Season: Year Round $60+ per person 3 hrs

Pilot a util­i­ty task vehi­cle (UTV) — an ATV that’s ful­ly enclosed — with fam­i­ly and friends as you splash through rivers, take in stun­ning views, and even pan for gold on this unique, 3‑hour excur­sion with Hatch­er Pass ATV Tours out of Willow.

Season: May–October $225+ Half & Full-Day

Expe­ri­ence Alas­ka ATV and Side by Side tours at his­toric Hatch­er Pass. These half-day and full-day tours take place high in the Tal­keet­na moun­tains where you will ven­ture through creeks, twist­ing trails, and climb to amaz­ing views. This tour is suit­able for begin­ners and more advanced rid­ers! Locat­ed just an hour from Anchorage.

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