Anchorage Air Taxis & Charters

Most of Alaska lies off the road system, making transportation by air a way of life. It’s why 1 in 78 Alaskans is a pilot.

But they’re not flying jets. Flights to reach more remote areas happen on wheeled planes or floatplanes with only a handful of seats. Some are equipped with skis to land on snow.

Many of these planes depart from Anchorage. Alaska’s largest city is a hub for reputable air taxi and charter services—it’s also home to the largest floatplane base in the world, Lake Hood.

The companies on this list offer a range of services, such as flightseeing, fly-in fishing trips, or flights to remote destinations.

For bookings, contact the operators directly or visit their websites for availability and pricing.

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Air Taxis & Charters

Season: Year round - water landing approximately May 1st - October 5th $175+ .5 to 3 hrs

Explore Alas­ka from above with this fam­i­ly-owned com­pa­ny that oper­ates out of Anchor­age. Options include fly­ing above Denali, Knik and Colony Glac­i­er, the Chugach Moun­tains, and more!

Season: May - Sept $845+ all-inclusive packages One day or 3-night

Since 1963, Rust’s has been safe­ly car­ry­ing anglers far away from the crowds. Expe­ri­enced guides lead you to world-class fish­ing for kings, sil­vers, grayling, and trout in some of Alaska’s most beau­ti­ful and remote wilder­ness — and they’ll clean and pack­age your catch for the trip back to Anchor­age. On the way, enjoy a win­dow-seat view and pilot narration.

For many Alaskans, trav­el by plane is essen­tial for work, get­ting to med­ical appoint­ments in the big city, or con­nect­ing with fam­i­ly in anoth­er part of the state. For vis­i­tors, plane trav­el helps max­i­mize their lim­it­ed time explor­ing the state, show­cas­es spec­tac­u­lar views of the land, and gives an authen­tic peek into Alaskans’ air-cen­tric lifestyle. Ravn Alaska’s net­work offers flights to major Alas­ka cities such as Anchor­age and Fairbanks,  ...more
