Delta Junction Points of Interest

Delta Junction is an important stop—it marks the end of the Alaskan Highway. Take your picture by the Alaska Highway monument, browse the local shops, and grab a bite to eat.

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Points of Interest

On the high­way across Alas­ka, it makes sense to have a dri­ve in. Open in the sum­mer, they serve burg­ers, fries and ice cream with a car hop tak­ing your order. Or if you want to stretch your legs, there’s a deck and lawn to lounge on while you eat. It’s pret­ty ordi­nary non-chain, fast food with good malts and a good old-timey feel.

This ranch is owned and oper­at­ed by two life­long Alas­ka res­i­dents whom open their land to hunts each year.

There are 9 inter­net sta­tions avail­able for you to use. If you have your own device, wifi is avail­able from 6 a.m. to 10 p.m.

You’ll find friend­ly, local staff who are ready to answer ques­tions and help you with your trip, and it’s open year round. In a hur­ry? At least stop in to pick up a free trav­el guide or brochure.

The trail you see takes you back Cast­ner Glac­i­er. Just be on alert: this trail is also fre­quent­ed by ATVs and motorbikes.

Plants, organ­ic flours, hand­made prod­ucts (like pot­tery, bead­work, knit­ted goods, art­work, lip balms and salves), and his­tor­i­cal books about the area. Food stands, mean­while, brim with mar­ket favorites like soft pret­zels, hot dogs and fries.

This fun gift shop offers an array of local prod­ucts — such as goat’s milk soap, can­vas prints, cal­en­dars fea­tur­ing local pho­tog­ra­phers, Alas­ka Flour Com­pa­ny prod­ucts, and more.

Elbridge Tru­man Bar­nett came to Alas­ka in the late 1890s like so many oth­ers did —look­ing for the gold dur­ing the Klondike Gold Rush.

You’ll see some rocky out­crop­pings that are com­mon spots to see Dall Sheep, up on the rocks.

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