Sea Kayaking Trips In Alaska

So you want to plan a sea kayaking trip in Prince William Sound, Kenai Fjords, or Glacier Bay? You've found the right spot!

We've mapped hundreds of dropoff spots and campsites. You can search them by feature, such as locations where you can paddle amongst glacier ice, or that have good nearby fishing or hiking. You can also search camping locations by size. We've also compiled dozens of expert advice articles to help you plan your trip.

Browse Kayaking Trips by Feature: Glacier Ice, Good Hiking, Good Fishing

Kayak Rentals

If you need to rent some gear for your kayak expedition, contact our friends at Alaska Outdoor Gear Outfitter & Rentals. Talk them about your trip and they'll recommend the best equipment.

Guided Options

Love sea kayaking, but not committed to camping or going it alone? See our list of guided options in Alaska, or tuck into a yurt with unlimited access to kayaking. There are two outside of Seward, Alaska. The first is Orca Island Cabins which boasts 7 yurts located on a private island in picturesque Humpy Cove, each with a private deck and bath. The other is Shearwater Cove, where you'll find two yurts tucked into a picturesque cove.

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Sea Kayaking Trips

A won­der­ful beach camp­site for a calm day. Sur­round­ed on two sides by the sea, this camp­site has beau­ti­ful views out to Nel­lie Juan-Col­lege Fjord and over to Per­ry and Knight Island. Large durable camp­ing area, but beware of high tides. Both beach­es are steep unless at low tide and could be used as a water taxi drop off location.

Crafton Island will amaze every­one! Over­hang­ing cliffs and caves, green-blue waters, cob­bled beach­es, and fan­tas­tic views. You also get great expo­sure to Knight Island Pas­sage and greater Prince William Sound. Few beach­es are com­pa­ra­ble to those on Crafton Island.

A large, pop­u­lar beach for camp­ing and water taxi drop offs and pick ups. Only 17 miles from Whit­ti­er it is often a first or last camp spot for inter­me­di­ate pad­dlers with­out a water taxi. This beach pro­vides large durable camp­ing areas and fresh glacial streams in the vicinity.

Icy Bay lives up to its name with an active tide­wa­ter glac­i­er often clog­ging the fjord with ice­bergs. This remote fjord in Prince William Sound is a spe­cial spot for pad­dlers look­ing for spec­tu­lar views of Tiger and Chene­ga Glac­i­er descend­ing into the sea. Beware of tight ice con­di­tions chang­ing with the tide and strong cold kata­bat­ic winds off of the Sar­gent Icefeild.

Tip­ping Point, on North­west Per­ry Island, is a very accom­mo­dat­ing beach camp­site with excel­lent views out to Port Wells and Per­ry Pas­sage. There is fresh water, beach camp­ing for a few tents, and pos­si­bil­i­ties for hik­ing up on Per­ry Island.

There is a small creek for fresh water, and wood­en walk­ways in the trees. Tent plat­forms are tucked up on the inside of a small spit of land, and the drop off beach faces due East on the oppo­site side of the spit.

Fac­ing Beloit Glac­i­er, 17 Mile Lagoon and the near­by Eagle´s Nest beach­es are pop­u­lar beach­es for kayak­ing trips near­by the tide­wa­ter glac­i­ers. This point is easy to find as it lies just on the glac­i­er side of the very shal­low ter­mi­nal moraine of Beloit Glac­i­er on Willard Island.

This is a true jew­el at the end of Unakwik Inlet. Locat­ed just North­west of Mear­es Glac­i­er, this steep, sandy beach is about as close as a kayak dares to pad­dle towards an active tide­wa­ter glacier.

A won­der­ful trea­sure for the pad­dlers want­i­ng to be in the mid­dle of Prince William Sound. This site is well pro­tect­ed between two halves of Olsen Island and has well estab­lished camp­ing spots for many tents in the for­est, and good trees for hang­ing food. The beach is steep and wide with oys­ter catch­ers patrolling the shore. Fresh­wa­ter is not on the island, but can be found in the adja­cent Olsen Cove or fur­ther west on the mainland.

This beach has all the ameni­ties of a per­fect kayak camp spot. A rag­ing riv­er splits the cob­ble beach in two, and a hang­ing glac­i­er pro­vides the per­fect back­ground for a few packed, grassy tent spots. With­in a morn­ing pad­dle dis­tance from Mear­es Glac­i­er, Bril­liant Beach is an excel­lent launch­ing point. The beach is safe from the high­est tides, and is long enough for mul­ti­ple par­ties to camp out. Since it is so far up the Unakwik Inlet,…  ...more

A pop­u­lar drop off and pick­up beach for water taxi, how­ev­er camp­ing is not an option on this beach. Most peo­ple choose to pad­dle a short dis­tance towards the glac­i­ers for durable and lev­el camping.

Hump­back whales com­mon­ly swim along the shore and you can hear them from your tent. With tide­wa­ter glac­i­ers, wildlife, and many scenic pad­dles in close prox­im­i­ty, Dual Head is a good base camp. Fresh water can be found on the North end of the beach.

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