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Dining and Nightlife

One of Sitka’s more charm­ing restau­rants, Lud­vig’s is locat­ed in a small ground-lev­el room that feels like a cozy, inti­mate cave. The food is Mediter­ranean influ­enced, based in Alas­ka seafood — Alas­ka pael­la or Alas­ka scal­lops Tus­can style. Com­bined with a nice wine list, cre­ative tapas and excel­lent entrees, the restau­rant offers a unique din­ing expe­ri­ence in Sit­ka. Reser­va­tions are recommended.

A good fam­i­ly place for folks look­ing for either Mex­i­can or Ital­ian food. It’s locat­ed out­side of town in a strip­mall, but the ser­vice is good and the restau­rant is bright, with som­breros on the walls and mari­achi music pump­ing. They serve piz­za, sub­ma­rine sand­wich­es and stan­dard Mex­i­can fare, with dirty rice and pin­to bean sides. The food is served quickly.

This is the place for steak or fresh seafood in Sit­ka. It’s a clas­sic Steak­house with a great view of the water, that serves up slabs of meat or fish along­side a good sal­ad bar and sides. It’s under new own­er­ship and was recent­ly ren­o­vat­ed, all great improve­ments. It’s pop­u­lar with char­ter boat oper­a­tors and their clients and oth­ers into good seafood and steak. They host live music on the week­ends and offer free pick­up and drop-off for those…  ...more
